Thursday, March 14, 2013

Skepticism, Evasive Agnosticism, & Narrow-mindedness

Skepticism is reluctance to accept conclusion as true. There is skepticism as a permanent attitude, which is unhelpful, and then also skepticism in fitting situations where the information given in insufficient. There is also the moderate and extreme skeptic. The extreme believes that there is no truth and the moderate believes that humans are not capable of understanding it. Agnosticism is when a person believes they do not know enough to come to a conclusion and therefore does not deem a statement true or false. Evasive agnosticism is when a person claims to not have enough knowledge to come to a conclusion when they actually do. Narrow mindedness is when a person refuses to consider certain options because they do not fit with their prejudiced assumptions. For example, if a person were to refuse to listen to a band because they were classified as a country group. This person had previously decided they hated all country music because they heard a few country songs they didn't like and is refusing to listen to this band even if it was a separate sub-genre of country.

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